Contracting 101 | Resources and More

Bringing an entertainer, speaker, or performer to campus is a complex process, but it's made easier by getting your materials in on time and having all of your information together before you reach out.

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Contract Process | Start to Finish

Secure Your Budget

Check your budget and start looking for a performer that fits your needs. Google or another search engine should help you find what you need, but also consider that someone else may have brought in a similar performer in the past. Don't hesitate to reach out to other student orgs!

Negotiate Fees with Performer

Once you have found your performer and negotiated a fee, make sure you collect the following information before moving onto the next step.

1. Performer's name and stage name

2. Performance date

3. Performance location (and reservation number, if you have it)

4. Type of performance

5. Point of contact

6. Address, email, and phone numbers for points of contact

7. Name of person/business getting paid

8. Any artist contracts or W9s (what is this?)

9. Your staff/faculty advisor

10. Performance amount

Submit Event Contract Request

It's time to fill out the Event Contract Request (ECR) form! You can find the form by following this link here. When filling it out, make sure you fill it out as completely as possible. There are no bad questions, so reach out if you need help!

Approval & Performance

Congratulations! You've successfully requested a performer and your request will start working through the system.

The review system will notify you on CONNECT when your review status changes. Keep an eye out for these statuses:


  • Approved events can move forward through the contracting process. You will be contacted if anything additional is needed.

Requires Modification

  • This event or contract needs modification or additional information. You will always get a justification for this status, so please respond with the required info or make required changes.


  • This contract cannot proceed. Any orgs that proceed with contracting this performer will be held accountable via the Student Org Code of Conduct and may be individually financially liable for any written or verbal agreements for payment.

How is my performer getting paid?

You made it to the event and so did your performer! Follow this short flowchart to determine your final steps to paying your performer.

Event Contract Request Form

The form can feel really overwhelming, so if you want to know what's on the form before opening it, follow this link to see an example of the form and questions!

Still Have Questions?

P: 715-232-1772

Involvement Center

302 10th Avenue East 106 Memorial Student Center
Menomonie, WI, 54751