Applying for Student Activity Fee Funding

The Financial Affairs Committee (FAC) of the Stout Student Association has worked diligently to anticipate how this COVID and the loss of organizational memory impacts your funding needs for the academic year.  The processes below have been updated and streamlined to support orgs through these challenges.

  • The Contingency process will again be ongoing throughout the year as the FAC meets. You may submit Contingency budget requests at any time during the school year.
  • The first Contingency hearing will take place at the FAC meeting early in October. Hearings will continue consistently throughout the semester. Reference the budget timeline below for hearing dates.
  • The Just-in-time process is no longer needed as access to the Contingency process has been expanded to be all year long.
  • The Reallocation form used to change how you are using previously allocated funds has been updated.

Types of Student Activity Fee Funding

The Stout Student Association (SSA) allocates money annually fund the events and activities of recognized student organizations on campus.  The Financial Affairs Committee of the Stout Student Association manages this process.  They allocate these funds based on rules set by the UW-System Board of Regents PP820 as well as the UW-Stout SSA Financial Affairs Standing Policies and various university spending guidelines.  Each year allocation rules are set by the FAC based on the amount of money that is in the various pools and the amount of money requested.

How to Apply | Annual + Contingency Budgets

The process for applying for funding through the annual budget process or contingency funding is the same but follows different deadlines.

  1. 1

    Submit your Request on CONNECT

    Requests must be submitted in CONNECT prior to the deadline. Late budgets will not be accepted.

    Download the Budget Request Instructions

  2. 2

    Sign up for a Budget Hearing

    Organizations must sign up for a hearing by the deadline. Failure to sign up results in a denied budget request.  Hearing dates and registration links can be found in the blue information section of your CONNECT budgeting page.

  3. 3

    Attend the Hearing + Present your Budget

    Send at least one member to present the organization's budget proposal at the hearing, where the FAC can listen to details and ask specific questions.

2024-25 Budget Timeline

Download the Annual Budget Timeline

Annual Budget Deadline

Application opens November 15th
Deadline | February 4, 2025 at noon

Annual Budget Rules 2024-25


Contingency 1 Period | For Fall Events July 1- December 31, 2024
Contingency 2 Period | For Spring Events January 1 - June 30, 2025
Deadline | Contingency is rolling throughout the year and requests can be made between the beginning of school through April 8th, 2025 at noon.

Contingency Budget Rules 2024-25

Factors that Impact Funding

A number of factors and policies must be considered when approving all budget requests.

-Funded events must be open and available to all UW-Stout students.

-On-campus events will be given the priority over off-campus events, as they will impact a higher percentage of the student population. Examples include but are not limited to: concerts, speakers, workshops, lectures, comedians, recruitment, etc.

-Benefit to the UW-Stout Campus

-Events must fit within the mission of the student organization.

-Collaboration and co-sponsorship between organizations

UW-System Policies

Administrative Policy 820 | Outlines the criteria for the allocation of University Segregated Fees

Viewpoint Neutrality

The viewpoint espoused by the group applying for funding is not taken into considerations when making funding decisions.

Maintain Funding Throughout the Year

Student orgs receiving funding must follow through with various guidelines and policies throughout the year to maintain their funding.

-Events must be advertised in all academic buildings, residence halls, dining facilities, the MSC, and Campus Life Today.

-Events having an application to participate must be available for at least 2 weeks prior to the application deadline.

-The Stout Student Association logo must be on all advertisements for events that utilize Student Activity Fee funding.

-Follow proper procedures outlined in Attend to Spend by the account manager.

-Proof of event and advertising must be submitted with receipts for reimbursement.

-Annual reports must be complete before an organization can receive new funding if requested by SSA Financial Affairs.

Questions? Get in touch.

Maya VanHemert

Financial Affairs Director - Stout Student Association

Jennifer Lee

Advisor, Financial Affairs Committee, SSA