From: Involvement Center
Date: September 1, 2021
Subject: The Loop | Food at Events, Tracking Attendance and More...

The Loop | Keeping student org leaders in-the-know
the loop JANUARY 12, 2021

Hi First_Name!

We're one week away from the official start of the semester!  As you prepare for all of your org's activities, meetings and events, make sure you reference our CONNECT website for up-to-date information on managing your organization.

Always feel free to contact the Involvement Center throughout the year with any of your questions.


Food at Meetings + Events

Catering through University Dining Service is allowed this year as it was pre-COVID. Work with them early to discuss what they can do to support your event.  

University Dining Service/Catering must be utilized if your event/meeting/activity takes place in the Student Centers (Memorial Student Center or Price Commons).

See the Dining + Catering section within our Spend Your Budget webpage for details on how to place an order and follow spending guidelines.

In limited cases, shared food (prepared by org members) may be allowed in the Student Centers.  Orgs must submit and have an approved Snack Waiver Request form.

Food from outside vendors is also allowed this year if your reservation takes place in buildings beyond the Student Centers (Memorial Student Center or Price Commons).

If funded, make sure you retain an ITEMIZED receipt for proper reimbursement.

Bake Sales

Food and Bake Sales are allowable this year.  To ensure your org follows the proper protocol (i.e. individually wrapped items, etc.), include this information when you create an event and go through the registration and approval process.

All requested bake sales must complete a Food Sale/Distribution Request form to be considered for approval.

Speaking of fundraising!?!?

Did you know you can use the new e-commerce feature in CONNECT to collect money at your sales/fundraisers?  Orgs must first
set up an agency account through the Business Office to use this feature.  Next, attend an e-commerce training to learn how to set up your sale right within CONNECT. 

Funds you collect at the sale automatically get deposited into your on-campus agency account!

To learn more and schedule an e-commerce training, contact
Jennifer Lee.

There are a few orgs yet to register for Backyard Bash!  If your org would still like an opportunity to participate, we've extended the registration to tomorrow (Thursday 9/2 at Noon).  

Anyone who doesn't register by this time will not be allowed to participate in Backyard Bash.

Check if your org is missing any part of the registration

Questions? Contact Jessica Kielcheski.

Student orgs are REQUIRED to track attendance at all events and meetings so that campus can have accurate data for any potential contact tracing efforts.

CONNECT is the preferred method for tracking attendance and has multiple easy ways to do so!  

Options exist for

  • Manual tracking with a computer
  • Self Check-In with a QR Code
  • Self Check-In with a Kiosk
  • Manual Check-In with a Smartphone/Tablet

Learn how to track attendance 

Did you know???

The Involvement Center has card readers available for checking in participants!  Request a contactless card reader for your next event.

Submit the Request Form