From: Involvement Center Date: November 3, 2021 Subject: The Loop | Spring Involvement Fair, Blanket Reservations Now Open and More...
the loop
NOVEMBER 3, 2021
Hi First_Name!
We have a couple important announcements for this week and some BIG kudos to give to our student orgs. Check out this week's edition of The Loop!
Blanket Reservations NOW Open!
Student orgs can now their blanket reservation requests for the Student Centers for their spring 2022 meetings. As a reminder, blanket reservations are student organization’s weekly/reoccurring meetings that reserve the same time and day every week of the semester for organization meetings.
We are hosting a spring involvement fair for all orgs to take advantage of at the start of spring semester. This is a great opportunity to introduce your org to new and returning students interested in exploring involvement opportunities on campus!
Date | Thursday, January 27th | 5-7pm
Registration is now open and will close on Monday, January 24th at 11:59pm. Register early a space is limited.
We've had so many organizations knocking it out of the park this semester and planning remarkable events! We are proud of the work you've done!
Moving forward, our team will be reviewing all student org events monthly and giving a shout out to the events that caught our eye.
Great job to the orgs below for the amazing events they planned in September!
Blue Devil Productions | First in Flight w/ Freezer Jam
Blue Devil Productions | Open Mic Night
Gamma Sigma Sigma | American Red Cross Blood Drive
Habitat for Humanity | Eau Claire, Mondovi and Barron Builds
IEEE LED | Cube Soldering Workshop
Latinos Unidos | Hispanic Heritage Month Kahoot Night
Latinos Unidos | Hispanic Heritage Month Piñata Making
NAEA | T-Shirt Making Fundraiser Event
Natural Areas | Ferry Pit Workshop
Natural Areas | Galloway Creek Workshop
Natural Areas | Outdoor Classroom Workshop
SHRM | MarSHRMmallows and Games!
Stout Retail Association | Employer Social
Did your organization plan a great event and you want to be recognized?
We encourage orgs to apply for our Student Org Event of the Year award. This award is traditionally presented at our annual Leadership Awards in May. However, this year we are opening up the application process for this specific award so that you can apply throughout the year while the event is fresh in your mind.
Applicants will still be reviewed at the end of the academic year and all events will be recognized at the Leadership Awards in May. Winners will be selected for up to four event categories and each winner will be awarded $200 to be used for planning future events.
Some of you will be transitioning officers at the end of the semester. If that's you, make sure to utilize the election feature within CONNECT's surveys/forms. This feature allows you to display the candidates for each position, add a bio, and add a link or video.