From: Involvement Center
Date: October 20, 2021
Subject: The Loop | Spring Blanket Reservations, Campus Tour Filming and more...

The Loop | Keeping student org leaders in-the-know
the loop OCTOBER 20, 2021 

Hi First_Name!

We had so much fun celebrating Homecoming with many of you last week - thanks for an amazing week!

Be sure to read below on important updates regarding spring blanket reservations and some fun new resources and opportunities for you as an org leader!

Spring Blanket Reservations

Blanket reservation requests for SPRING SEMESTER 2022 will be accepted starting Wednesday, November 3rd at 8:00 AM. Blanket reservations are student organization’s weekly/reoccurring meetings that reserve the same time and day every week of the semester for organization meetings.

To submit your student organization’s Blanket Reservation Request you MUST complete the request formNote: The form will not open until 11/3 at 8:00am. 


  • Blanket Reservation Requests will be confirmed on a first come, first served basis only.

  • Blanket Reservation Requests will only be accepted from one authorized representative from each student organization.

  • Student organizations are only allowed a maximum of two blanket reservations per organization per semester.

If you have any questions about Blanket Reservation Requests, please contact Ben Markl in the MSC Conferences and Events Office, 214 Memorial Student Center.

Icebreaker Ideas for your Org
image of megaphone

Looking for ways to bond with your org members? 

We offer a variety of ice breaker ideas that you can do as a group to help you become closer and get to know each other better!

Many of the icebreakers require no materials or basic supplies you already have on hand.  Additionally, the Involvement Center has some icebreakers available for checkout.

Calling All Org Leaders. Be part of our new virtual campus tour.
Our Marketing Communications (MarCom) team is looking for student org leaders to be part of our new virtual campus tour!  

If you are interested in being a background actor for this virtual campus tour, please email Gary Schuster to let him know the dates and times you are available during the filming window (please be specific).

  • October 26 from 8am-6pm
  • October 27 from 8am-6pm
  • October 28 from 8am-6pm
  • October 29 from 9-11am
Learn more

BONUS:  All volunteers will receive a $25 Dining Card!!

Further Your Reach with Event Tags

As you are creating your events make sure to use all of the tools CONNECT has to offer in reaching as many people as possible.

One of the features that can help your event reach more students is the use of "event tags" you can assign to your event to help people search for your event. Some of the tags include "FREE", "social", "educational" and many more!

Make sure to add tags during the first step of creating your event in CONNECT (see below).

Want to learn more? Check out this video about creating events in CONNECT.  There is so much you can do!