From: Involvement Center
Date: September 14, 2022
Subject: The Loop | September 14th

The Loop | Keeping student org leaders in-the-know
the loop September 14, 2022 

Hi First_Name!

Check out this week's Loop for information on the Leadership Summit, Homecoming, and more.

Leadership Summit is this upcoming Monday

The Leadership Summit is this upcoming Monday, September 19th from 6-9PM starting in the MSC Great Hall. Registration is now open on CONNECT here

Each organization must have at least one officer attend as part of the org re-registration process, however we encourage all officers who can to attend. Officers who attend may represent multiple organizations.

When registering, please make sure to fill out the two questions asking what org you are representing and what your officer position is.

Check in for the event will be at the MSC Great Hall. Questions? Email Nicole Eastman-Frazier.

Homecoming Informational Meeting Today

Blue Devil Productions will be hosting an informational meeting on Homecoming activities today, September 14th from 6-7PM in the MSC Birch Room. Learn about this year's events, rules, and how to sign up. More information can be found here

Sign up to participate in the Homecoming Parade here

If your org did not apply for homecoming parade funds for this year's annual budget, you can complete a special funding request by noon tomorrow, September 15th here.

  • Funding for Homecoming Parade – up to $100
    • Items will be reimbursed if this form is complete (by 9/15), approved and itemized receipts are uploaded by October 20th.

Advisors: CONNECT 101 Training for Faculty/Staff

Student org advisors, a CONNECT 101 workshop for faculty and staff who are new to using CONNECT, or who want to see how it can be used with students, will be held from 12:20 to 1:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 16, in the Memorial Student Center White Pine Room.