From: Involvement Center
Date: May 2, 2022
Subject: The LOOP | Semester Wrap Up Tasks for Student Orgs

The Loop | Keeping student org leaders in-the-know
the loop MAY 2, 2022


Happy Finals Week! We wanted to start out this final LOOP of the semester by saying thank you for all you've contributed to campus life. We are so grateful for all the work that you've done this year and we are wishing you the best of luck on finals. 

Before you begin your summer adventures, we wanted to share some basic steps your org can take to close out the year and prepare for a successful Fall.

Update your Officers in CONNECT

Switched officers for fall semester?  Make sure you transition those officers and give them officer access on your group page on CONNECT.

How to Update Officers

It’s imperative that your officers are up-to-date for summer.  Our office will be communicating with orgs over the summer in prep for fall semester. If your officers are outdated, your org won’t have the information it needs to be recognized.

New Officer Email Access

Officers that currently have access to  your org email can grant access to incoming officers. Directions on how to add/remove permissions for others can be found on CONNECT

Fall Blanket Reservations 

Get in your blanket reservation request to secure your meeting room for fall 2022!

Complete the request form 

Note: Blanket reservations may not be confirmed until sometime this summer. However, it's still important to make your request right away as space is first come, first served.

Questions? Contact Ben Markl in the MSC Conferences and Events Office, 214 Memorial Student Center.

Officer Transition Checklist

Speaking of transitioning, did you know that the Involvement Center has a checklist available to help your org have a smooth officer transition? Find the complete list on the Involvement website

Register Your Fall Events in CONNECT

We know fall seems way off in the distance, but new students will be added to the platform soon and will be learning about ways to get involved. Being a member of a student organizations is one of the most important and impactful opportunities during the college experience and having your events registered in CONNECT can go a long way in helping new students explore how they'd like to get involved. It's also a great idea to review and update your group page and website.

Backyard Bash Registration

The 2022 event will be held in-person on September 6th from 5pm-8pm. To be included, student organizations must complete registration no later than August 30th.

Register Now!

Fall Org Re-Registration

Every fall, orgs are required to re-register to remain recognized for the academic year. Orgs must re-register on CONNECT and attend the Leadership Summit. This will all kick off in late August. Watch your email for more details about org re-registration coming in late summer.