From: Danielle Clarizio
Date: September 13, 2019
Subject: Week Two Updates & Reminders

Week Two: Ô£ö

Week Two is ov-ah and things are finally calming down with your course schedules, you're identifying organizations to be part of and your should now be in your UW-Stout rhythm. We hope that while there have surely been stressful times, you have also found plenty of opportunity for building your new friendships and making memories.

The weekend is thankfully looking drier than the past few days. I know that many of you are still adjusting to Wisconsin weather but I encourage you to get outside as much as possible even if you're feeling a little chilly. As they say, "winter is coming"...not now...not even for several more weeks! But whenever it arrives, we don't want you feeling regret for not being outside when you had the opportunity to do it! Keep your eyes open for opportunities though Stout Adventures such as this weekend's Rock Climbing and Paddleboarding daytrips or the AlFresco Outing Club's hiking trip to local points of interest.

If you are looking for something a little more relaxed, check out the free film tonight in Applied Arts or the trip to Como Zoo with the Involvement Center.


F-1 students graduating in Fall 2019 are highly encouraged to attend an OPT Workshop for guidance on the applications process, reglations for your time on OPT and to ask questions about the process. 
Please RSVP on CONNECT to this OPT Workshop or one coming up in the near future!

Volunteer Opportunities Abound

For International Student Tuition Scholarship recipients (and those looking to get involved on or around campus), make sure to check the ISSS CONNECT page for highlight opportunities. As a scholarship recipient you MUST COMPLETE 20 HOURS of volunteer work to fulfill your Global Involvement requirement. Is this news to you? Well, then you need to be attending Danielle's required scholarship meetings!

We Want You 

Homecoming is just around the corner and we need you to help to fill out the flag processesion in the parade. Look for more information next week about signing up to carry your country flag in the parade!

International Club Elections

The International Club is seeking nominations for our upcoming leadership elections. If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else for 2019-202, please complete the short nomination form
Elections will begin at noon on Monday, September 16 and will run until noon on September 18. Watch your email for more details!

Insta-Helpers Wanted

The Office of Admissions is looking for international student testimonials. If you are willing to share a picture of yourself and a short statement about what you love about Stout, please contact Danielle!


Because of the Study Abroad Fair, Walk-In Hours will not be held on Wednesday, September 18. Please plan ahead by stopping in earlier in the week or emailing Danielle with your questions or requests. 

OPT Workshop Logo


OPT Workshop

Friday, September 20, 2019
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Harvey Hall, Room 40, Menomonie, WI 54751, United States
Add to Google Cal, Outlook, Yahoo, iCal

F-1 students graduating in Fall 2019 are highly encouraged to attend an OPT Workshop. OPT approval can take over 90 days, please plan ahead to ensure that you have time for your application to be approved