From: Involvement Center
Date: November 5, 2024
Subject: Campus Life Today | November 05, 2024 - Special Announcement


Voter Information

Can I Vote in Wisconsin/Menomonie?

If you are a U.S. Citizen, 18 years or older, not ineligible for another reason, and you have lived in Wisconsin for 28 days prior to the election, regardless of permanent address, YOU CAN VOTE IN WISCONSIN. Remember, you cannot vote in multiple locations/states for any given election.  

Wisconsin has same-day registration and voting at the polls.  See information segments below on Registration, Voter ID, & Proof of Residence.

Voter Registration at the Polls

To register at the polls on election day, voters must provide a Proof of Residence document when registering. The easiest way to prove your residency is to bring your UW-Stout Voter Enrollment Letter (see section below). To save time, download and print an off-campus or residence hall specific form at the link provided (lower right side of webpage). Fill out your information and bring the registration form with your voter enrollment letter. 

Voter Enrollment Letter (Proof of Residence)

The Voter Enrollment Letter: 1) proves your enrollment in support of your student ID;  2) serves as a proof of residence document.  

Click this link, follow the "Update Your Mailing Address" instructions, then follow the "Get Your Voter Enrollment Letter" instructions.  

NOTE: Last week, many students received an email from "" with their voter enrollment letter attached.  Print or show on a phone at the polls.

Voter Compliant ID (Your Physical BlueCard or Stout Issued Voter ID)

Your physical BlueCard is an accepted ID for voting purposes. Your mobile credential (BlueCard on your phone) IS NOT an accepted ID for voting purposes.  A physical BlueCard or UW-Stout issued Voter ID IS AN ACCEPTED ID for voting purposes.

If you do not have a physical BlueCard, please come to the Campus Card Office (Commons 110) to receive a free ID (Open 8-4:30pm Monday; 8am-8pm on Election Day).

For more information, click here

Find My Polling Place: ON-Campus Students

Polls are open Tuesday, November 5th - 7AM to 8PM.

ON-Campus Students may find their polling place by residence hall at this link.

NOTE: The turnout is expected to be high. Develop your voting plan. Be prepared for lines. 

IF you are in line by 8PM - stay in line! If you are in line by 8PM, you have the right to vote.

Find My Polling Place: OFF-Campus Students

Polls are open Tuesday, November 5th - 7AM to 8PM.

Off-Campus Students may find their polling place by entering their local address here.

NOTE: The turnout is expected to be high. Develop your voting plan. Be prepared for lines. 

IF you are in line by 8PM - stay in line!  If you are in line by 8PM, you have the right to vote.

What's On My Ballot?

View a sample ballot for Menomonie addresses here.

To see a more readable version OR to enter a specific address, click here.  

Note: Street Addresses of Residences Halls can be found at the "Find My Polling Place / On-Campus Students" section above.

How Do I Research Candidates & Issues?

Know the offices up for election. Learn who is running. Know constitutional amendment questions (there is one in Wisconsin for this election). Research candidates thoroughly using non-partisan sources like Carefully evaluate the information you find. Make a cheat sheet for the voting booth to help remind you at the polls.

In addition check out the Rock the Vote: Explainer Guide & Sources

Stout Voting History / We Can Do Better

UW-Stout has participated in the National Study on Learning, Voting, & Engagement since 2012.

  • In the 2012 Presidential Election, 62% of Stout students were registered; 49% actually voted
  • In the 2016 Presidential Election, 65% of Stout students were registered; 51% actually voted
  • In the 2020 Presidential Election, 59% of Stout students were registered; 48% actually voted
    • In 2020, the national college & university voting rate was 66%.

We can do better in 2024 Stout!

Sponsored by: Stout Student Association
For more information contact: SSA Director of Legislative Affairs