From: Involvement Center
Date: May 13, 2020
Subject: Campus Life Today | Wednesday, May 13th, 2020


Virtual Connections

Chancellor Virtual Office Hours Available

Thursday, May 14th  
11AM – 1PM

Chancellor Katherine P. Frank will hold virtual office hours from 11 AM to 1 PM Thursday, May 14.  Faculty, staff and students are welcome to schedule a 15-minute virtual meeting by emailing here. The meetings will be via Teams or by telephone.

Sponsored by: Chancellor's Office
For more information contact: Julie Zack


Career Services Virtual Scavenger Hunt

Monday, May 11 to Friday, May 15 at 11:55pm
Add to Google Cal,Outlook,Yahoo,iCal

Icons will be hidden on 5 different pages of the Career Services Stou Cloud page. Navigate through the different pages on the website to find the icons!

- Must be a current UW-Stout student
- Find the 5 hidden icons on the Career Services Stout Cloud page and be one of the first 5 to submit the Scavenger Hunt Submission Form
- Must submit all required information to qualify valid entry

Top Prize week 2: $50 Visa Gift Card
other winners will receive an employer swag package

Supporting Resources

Counseling Center Newsletter

Make sure to check out the UW-Stout's Counseling Center's weekly newsletter with more resources. New issues each week.

This week's issue covers Preparing for Finals. Read the full issue.

Counseling Center Newsletter
Wellness Wednesday

UREC Wellness Series

As you wrap up the semester, we encourage you to start focusing more on your wellness.  University Recreation's Wellness Series has great tips for physical, emotional, social, financial, spiritual and environmental wellness. 

Check it out here.

Physcial Wellness Series
Emotional Wellness Series

UW-Stout Library Feature Stream: Shock and Awe

In "Shock and Awe", a group of journalists covering former President George W. Bush's planned invasion of Iraq in 2003 are skeptical of the President's claim that Saddam Hussein has "weapons of mass destruction".   
This selection, one of the 100,000+ titles in your Video Streaming Library, is brought to you by kanopy.

Sponsored by: UW-Stout Library
For more information contact: Cory Mitchell
Stream Here

COVID-19 Coronavirus Planning and Preparedness Website

Stay Informed

With the ever-changing COVID-19 coronavirus situation, UW-Stout continues to evaluate the situation daily.

Students should continue to stay up-to-date with the COVID-19 Coronavirus Planning and Preparedness website at