From: Involvement Center
Date: September 28, 2021
Subject: Campus Life Today | Tuesday, September 28, 2021



Words Have Power

Tuesday, September 28
4:15pm - 5:15pm
2nd Floor North, UW-Stout Library
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In honor of Banned Books Week, Alex Sanchez will be presenting his personal experience of being an author of books that have been banned. The event will be moderated by Rickie-Ann Legleitner, UW-Stout Advisor for Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, and will feature Jacob Reid, a student in the Human Development & Family Studies program at Stout.

Co-sponsored by the Literature Committee, Center for Applied Ethics, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Honors College, The Qube, Robert S. Swanson Library and Learning Center, & MCSII



Piñata Making - Hispanic Heritage Month

Tuesday, September 28
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Willow/Walnut MSC
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Come learn and make Pinatas with Latinos Unidos! Supplies will be provided, We will be painting them Oct. 5th



Native American Student Organization (NASO) - Information Session

Tuesday, September 28
5:30pm - 6:00pm
Eau Galle River Room - Price Commons
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Join the Native American Student Organization (NASO) for an informational session to kick off the semester.



Gamma Sigma Sigma- Shrinky Dinks

Thursday, September 30
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Northwoods Room in MSC
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Come make shrinky dink keychains with us and have some fun!


UW-Stout Ambassadors Now Accepting Applications

We are now accepting applications for students who are looking for opportunities to network and share their Stout experience with alumni, industry partners, and campus stakeholders. The UW-Stout Ambassadors are asked to assist the Alumni Association, Stout University Foundation, and our campus community with activities, events, and programs that highlight our campus. 

Sponsored by: UW-Stout Ambassadors
For more information contact: Jennie Smith 

Study Abroad 2022 - Vaccination and Passport Updates

UW-Stout’s Office of International Education has received updated guidance from several of our overseas partners that they are now requiring full COVID-19 vaccination for participation in their study abroad programs. It is anticipated that more partners and/or foreign countries will require full vaccination in the coming weeks. Students interested in studying abroad in 2022 should consider obtaining full vaccination as soon as possible. If you have not done so already, please provide a copy of your official CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Card to the University of Wisconsin-Stout's online portal.  

Additionally, the U.S. Department of State continues to experience significant delays in processing U.S. passports (approximately 16 weeks). Information on processing times and application procedures may be found here. We strongly encourage all students to apply as soon as possible in order to participate in upcoming study abroad experiences.  

Sponsored by: Office of International Education 
For more information contactAndria Morse
Submit Vaccine Card Here

Friendly Reminder | Watch for Alert Emails from your Instructors

How are courses going?  An early alert from an instructor can help you correct course or find support. Progress reports run from Wed, Sept 22 to Wed, Oct 20, 2021. Check your Navigate Student App and your Stout email for alerts often. Search the clutter folder for "UW-Stout|EAB Navigate," too. A support person may reach out because we really want you to succeed!  

Sponsored by: Student Retention Committee
For more information contactAmy McGovern

Tuesday, September 28
Start End   Event         Location
9:00am 11:30am Career Conference Week: In-Person Engineering & Manufacturing Career Fair Memorial Student Center, (Great Hall and Ballrooms)
12:00pm 12:30pm Chair Yoga Gilbert Creek (Price Commons)
1:30pm 4:30pm Career Conference Week: In-Person Packaging, Printing & Design Career Fair Memorial Student Center, (Great Hall and Ballrooms)
4:15pm 5:15pm Words Have Power 2nd Floor North, UW-Stout Library
6:00pm 7:00pm Pepper Magazine Weekly Meeting Applied Arts 320
6:00pm 7:30pm GreenSense Movie Night Jarvis room 142
6:00pm 8:00pm Weekly Meeting & Group Lift Johnson Field House for Group Lift 7-8
6:00pm 7:30pm Pre BFA FYX #2 This is a Teams Live event, you must register to see the link.
6:00pm 7:00pm Financial Wellness Club Bi-Weekly Meeting Jarvis Hall Science Wing (JHSW) Room 113
6:00pm 6:45pm HIIT Track Infield
6:00pm 7:00pm Piñata Making - Hispanic Heritage Month Willow/Walnut MSC
Brought to You By Blue Devil Productions


TNO- Hailey James

Thursday, September 30
8:00pm - 9:30pm
MSC Terrace
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Come enjoy a night of country music with Minnesota singer/songwriter Hailey James! Free admission, for both Stout students and community members! Meet us in the Terrace on the second floor of the Memorial Student Center at 8 pm on Thursday, Sept. 30th!