From: Danielle Clarizio
Date: September 8, 2020
Subject: Week 1: Updates & Reminders from ISSS

Hi First_Name,

Welcome to Week One of Fall 2020!

What exciting times these are, eh? Whatever the next sixteen weeks have in store for us we know one thing: this will be a semester unlike any before!

We know that these first few days will be busy with adjusting to the "new normal", navigating Stout during COVID and catching up with old, and making new friends, socially distanced, of course. As you begin the Fall 2020 semester and to ensure that you have a successful start, please take special note of the information below.

And in the meanwhile, we wish you a brilliant start to Fall 2020!


The terms of your F-1 visa require you be "registered" in SEVIS each semester. The OIE has a limited amount of time to do this so it is important that you follow through with the check-in process as swiftly as possible. Failure to complete this process could result in you failing to maintain your F-1 status. 

Who needs to complete the Check-In Form:

  1. All F-1 UW-Stout students
  2. All F-1 UW-Stout students even if they are studying from outside of the U.S.
  3. All F-1 UW-Stout students even if they are studying all online
What information do we need to register you?
  1. You must be enrolled in a full course of study (minimum 12 credits for undergrads and 9 credits for graduates)
  2. You must provide an updated address and phone number
Please complete the Check-In Form by clicking the pink button:


If you have not already done so, please take some time to review the message that we sent out on Friday which included a presentation highlighting some of the major updates for F-1 students this fall. You will also find that presentation attached to this message or you can access it here

In that presentation you should have learned about two important resources:

  1. The OIE's StoutCloud Page: these pages have been revamped with updated information to help YOU. Please take some time to review the pages and familiarize yourself with the topics and related resources that you can access 24/7.
  2. The OIE's Booking Page: Due to COVID, and like many offices across campus, the OIE will not be holding Walk-In Hours in Fall 2020. Students who need to speak with an advisor must schedule an appointment using the OIE's booking page, at least one day in advance of the appointment. Meetings/appointments will be by virtual appointment only. 


The International Club is looking for your help in creating an event during Week 3. We are looking for suggestions of international yard games that we can play at an Outdoor Yard Games Meet & Greet recruitment event. If you know of any popular outdoor/yard games that we could easily play in Menomonie, please let us know your suggestions! Please email Danielle at with your suggestions and include the following information:

  • Name of Game:
  • Country of Origin:
  • A brief explanation of the game and/or a link to game instructions (if available):
  • Please indicate if you would be able to help teach us how to play the game: 


Tuesday, September 8
Start End   Event         Location
9:00am 6:00pm Walk & Talk Johnson Fieldhouse
Wednesday, September 9
9:00am 6:00pm Walk & Talk Johnson Fieldhouse
3:00pm 4:00pm International Student Insurance Town Hall with Wellfleet Video Conferencing Link
Thursday, September 10
9:00am 12:00pm Walk & Talk Johnson Fieldhouse
Friday, September 11
9:00am 4:00pm Walk & Talk Johnson Fieldhouse
12:00pm 1:00pm On-Campus Employment Webinar & Workshop Video Conferencing Link
9:00pm 11:30pm Sonic the Hedgehog South Lawn
Saturday, September 12
1:00pm 2:00pm Virtual Scattergories  
6:00pm 9:00pm StoutProud Bingo Terrace, Memorial Student Center
Sunday, September 13
7:00pm 9:00pm Makers Night | Bullet Journaling The Terrace, Memorial Student Center OR Virtual Option
Monday, September 14
9:00am 7:00pm Pop into Involvement Involvement Center, 106 Memorial Student Center
Wednesday, September 16
8:00pm 9:00pm Virtual Bingo Video Conferencing Link
Friday, September 18
3:00pm 4:00pm OPT Webinar & Workshop Video Conferencing Link


International Student Insurance Town Hall with Wellfleet

Wednesday, September 9
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Video Conferencing Link
Add to Google Cal,Outlook,Yahoo,iCal

An opportunity to learn more about the University of Wisconsin Student Health Insurance Plan for international students directly from your insurance provider, Wellfleet. There will be time for questions!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 977 1635 3732
Passcode: 950017
One tap mobile
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  • Fall 2020 F-1 Student Updates.pdf