From: Danielle Clarizio
Date: September 7, 2019
Subject: Week One Updates & Reminders from International Student & Scholar Services

Happy End of Week One!

You did it! It has been a busy week for new students, continuing students and staff alike and we know that that busy-ness is likely to continue. We hope that this email will help guide you as we move into Week Two. 

It's good advice...

Part of our conversation during our Check-In Meetings is a check to ensure that you are in compliance with visa regulations. Regardless of if you are an F-1 or J-1 visa holder, please make sure of the following:

  • You are enrolled in a minimum 12 credits (for undergraduate) or 9 credits (for graduate). This is called being "full-time enrolled". Students in their final semester, you may be eligible to be enrolled in less than full time, please talk to Danielle during your Check-In Meeting.
  • You take only one online course (for up to 3-credits) as part of your full-time enrollment. 
  • During the Fall and Spring semesters, you are limited to working a maximum of 20 hours per week on-campus. If you have never held a job in the US before, please attend an On-Campus Employment Workshop (linked at the bottom of this email)
  • Remember to update OIE about any major changes that need to be made to your I-20 or SEVIS record. These include: change of address, change of major or significant changes to financial support.
And remember, if you're not sure, ASK! 


I am aware that SACM is delayed in issuing many Financial Guarantees. I sent an email today to SACM students whom I do not have updated Financial Guarantees for. This is not to worry you, this is to communicate with you so that you know where my records are. 

Please be sure to schedule your Check-In Meeting so that we can discuss your unique situation. 


This is a new initiative that I have brought in for the fall semester for CONTINUING STUDENTS ONLY. I have already completed 42 meetings, have 18 more meetings scheduled and have 43 more to bescheduled. Thank you to everyone who has completed their Check-In Meeting, I hope that the 15 minutes we spent together will save you time, energy and stress in this semester. To those of you who have scheduled you meetings; please do come to your meeting prepared so that we can get your semester off to a strong start!

For anyone who has not yet scheduled their meeting: I get it, you're busy but this short meeting is required so please sign up through CONNECT ASAP so that we can it out of the way and get your semester off to a stronger start!

International Club Meeting

The International Club will be hosting it's first get-together of the semester on Wednesday, September 11 at 5:00pm in Harvey 55. We'll also be having Vietnamese spring rolls and iced tea. 

We hope to see you there to learn about:

  • Open leadership positions (we want to hear from you!)
  • Upcoming leadership elections
  • Homecoming Involvement
  • International Week
  • and what you hope to see from the club!


Students who received an International Student Scholarship in the Fall 2019 semester, this meeting is for you! If you will be applying for a scholarship in Spring 2020, you will need to attend to learn about important changes to the scholarship program. 

If you applied for a scholarship in Fall 2019 but did not receive it, and are hoping to try again for Spring 2020, please attend so that you can correctly prepare your application for next semester. 


Tuesday, September 3
Start End   Event         Location
9:00pm 12:00pm Check-In Meetings Harvey Hall, Room 70
Wednesday, September 11
5:00pm 6:00pm First International Club Get-together Harvey Hall 53
Thursday, September 12
4:30pm 5:30pm International Scholarship Meeting Harvey, Room 73
Friday, September 13
12:00pm 1:00pm International Scholarship Meeting Harvey, Room 73
3:00pm 4:00pm On-Campus Employment Workshop Harvey, Room 40

Check-In Meetings Logo


Check-In Meetings

Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at 9:00pm
to Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 12:00pm
Harvey Hall, Room 70, Menomonie, WI 54751, United States
Add to Google Cal, Outlook, Yahoo, iCal

Required 15-minute meetings for continuing international students. These meetings are intended to serve as a check-in and are a good time to ask questions to save you time in the semester.