Ask a Career Coach
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Feel free to ask questions like:
- What should I include or exclude on my resume?
- How do I begin searching for a job in my major?
- I keep getting rejected. What should I do differently?
Spring 2024 Schedule
- January 30 - Jarvis Express Lounge
- January 31 - Micheels Hall / Furlong Gallery
- February 6 - Heritage Hall
- February 7 - Career Cafe* in the MSC
- February 13 - Comm. Tech.
- February 14 - Harvey Hall 1st Floor
- March 5 - Career Cafe* in the MSC
- March 6 - Jarvis Express Lounge
- March 19 - Harvey Hall 1st Floor
- March 20 - Micheels Hall / Furlong Gallery
- March 26 - Merle Price Commons
- March 27 - Heritage Hall
- April 23 - Comm. Tech.
- April 24 - Jarvis Express Lounge
- April 30 - Heritage Hall
- May 1 - Career Cafe* in the MSC
Career Cafe
Once a month in the Memorial Student Center, you can find our Career Coaches giving away free coffee or cookies! Don't miss out on this chance to get career-related advice, as well as a snack to keep you fueled for the rest of your day. Find us on February 7, March 5, April 9, and May 1.