About the Officers

President: Luke

My goals with SCO are to provide pre-service opportunities for my classmates in the field of School Counseling. I aspire to do this because I think it allows us to develop our professional mindsets as future educators and become real professionals in the world of School Counseling. My other goal is to establish a stable revenue stream for SCO so that the costs associated with what we do doesn't have to fall on the students.

Contact Me : zuikerl6065@my.uwstout.edu

Vice President: Kaitlyn

Info about goals :)

Contact Me: gillisk3985@my.uwstout.edu

Treasurer: Jenna

My goals with SCO are to raise more awareness on what School Counselors do, as well as the importance of having culturally competent School Counselors in our community. My other goal is to secure and allocate funds to so that every student in the School Counseling program can attend professional development conferences without having to worry about any financial barriers.

Contact Me: sassanj2152@my.uwstout.edu

Secretary: Jocelyn

My goals for SCO are to provide opportunities that will build skills and give us experiences to help us professionally. I also want SCO to expand not only to current graduate students but also to undergrad students who may be interested in the world of School Counseling. It is important to me to develop strong relationships among cohorts and interested students because they will be useful not only personally but also professionally.

Contact Me: hamannj3896@my.uwstout.edu

Our Team

Jenna Sassan
Lucas Zuiker
Jocelyn Hamann
Kaitlyn Gillis
Sharon Hansen