Student Org Advising

Resources for Advisors

Advising a student organization can be a rewarding experience!  Check out resources below for how to be an effective student org advisor throughout the year.

Student Org Advisor Responsibilities

Maintain an awareness of the activities and programs sponsored by the student
Meet with the officers of the student organization on a regular basis to discuss upcoming meetings, long-term plans, goals, and issues that arise within the organization.
Attend general meetings and executive board meetings for the organization as advisor's availability and time permits.
Provide direction in the area of parliamentary procedure (if applicable)
Assist the organization treasurer in monitoring expenditures and fundraising activities to maintain an accurate and up-to-date account ledger. Serve as an authorized contact on all on-campus agency/foundation accounts.
Consult with Involvement Center staff regarding behavior and other concerns about the organization.
Assist in new officer training or refer to Involvement Center staff members.
Maintain contact with Involvement Center staff to assist in communicating required workshops and events to org leaders and ensure compliance.
Explain and help clarify university policies and procedures that apply to the organization
Inform organization members of those factors which constitute unacceptable behavior on the part of organization members, and the possible consequences of said behavior.
You are a required Campus Security Authority (CSA) under the Clery Act. This requires you to report crimes when you become aware of them. Your email will be forwarded to the Campus Clery Liaison who will provide you with the guidelines on reporting and referral services available to students.

Advisor Agreement Form

Orgs are required to complete the Advisor Agreement form on an annual basis which outlines the responsibilities above.  Advisors will be emailed each fall to submit the form.

Changing Advisors?

That's easy!  Student leaders should simply update their group page in CONNECT and add the new advisor.

1. Go to Group Page --> Dashboard --> Officers -->Add Officer
2. Deselect the box "Active Officer" under the outgoing advisor


Org Advisor Trainings

The Involvement Center coordinates Org Advisor Trainings throughout the academic year on topics ranging from the budget process, event planning and officer transition.

Watch your emails throughout the year for invites to upcoming advisor roundtables.

Questions? Get in touch.

Nicole Eastman-Frazier