Thu, Nov 18, 2021

3 PM – 6 PM CST (GMT-6)

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Amphitheater outside MSC

302 10th Avenue East, 106 Memorial Student Center, Menomonie, WI 54751, United States

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SSU and LIT will be hosting a reuniting Stout's campus rally. This rally is being organized to fight against the system together, the system that is supposed to cater to students needs in the Stout community. We will also be taking this time to repeat the demands that Vote Mob and LIT stated last year, and will be hearing students stories on how those demands have impacted their lives. We will also be having a debriefing from 4:45pm - 6pm.


Amphitheater outside MSC

302 10th Avenue East, 106 Memorial Student Center, Menomonie, WI 54751, United States

Hosted By

Leaders Igniting Transformation - Stout Chapter | Website | View More Events
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