Exploring Boundaries: Bias and Freedom of Expression
MSC (Cedar/Maplewood Rooms)
302 10th Avenue East, 106 Memorial Student Center, Menomonie, WI 54751, United States
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This workshop is a non-credit bearing educational enrichment experience. Deadline to apply is November 9, but only twenty students will be accepted, so don't wait to apply! Students who complete the workshop receive a $100 stipend. Pizza and pop are provided. The workshop addresses the boundaries of expressive rights when they involve bias or potential bias of marginalized groups and individuals. What makes expression biased? When is biased expression illegal? What should the university do if the biased expression is legally protected? Do marginalized groups have expressive rights too?
- Dr. Bozzo is Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Center for Applied Ethics. He specializes in ethics, the philosophy of religion, and the philosophy of David Hume.
- Dr. Rickie-Ann Legleitner is Interim Director of Inclusive Excellence, Director of the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Minor, and professor in the English, Philosophy, and Communication Studies Department.
- Dr. Tim Shiell is Professor Emeritus and Director of the Menard Center for the Study of Institutions and Innovation. He specializes in campus free speech and academic freedom and is a two-time recipient of the university's Outstanding Researcher Award.
- Mai Khou Xiong is Director of Student Inclusion and Belonging and chair of the Bias Incident Response Team.
Workshop Agenda:
4:00 Welcome and Introductions
4:05 Introductory Comments
4:30 Small Group Discussion
5:15 Large Group Discussion
5:55 Closing remarks and evaluations
6:00 Dismiss
To apply, email Dr. Shiell at shiellt@uwstout.edu. Your application should include a brief (no more than 250 words) statement of interest and your student id number (to process the $100 payment). Having a Social Security Number and completing a W-9 are required to receive the stipend.
File Attachments: mscii_cae_111623_workshop
MSC (Cedar/Maplewood Rooms)
302 10th Avenue East, 106 Memorial Student Center, Menomonie, WI 54751, United States