Graduate Degrees Exploration Fair
Jarvis Hall Science Wing 1st floor corridors/lounge
302 10th Avenue East, 106 Memorial Student Center, Menomonie, WI 54751, United States
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Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
Join us to learn more about Stout's 40+ graduate degree and certificate programs — designed to enhance your professional portfolio and define your career! Many of our programs are available entirely online and offer the flexibility to balance careers and family expectations.
Advantages of a Graduate Degree
Professionals with a graduate degree in education, science, technology or business earn 38% more on average than those with undergraduate degrees. In addition to a higher salary, graduate degrees can streamline you path to management and career advancement. And at Stout, your graduate work will incorporate specific hands-on projects to help distinguish your knowledge and experience from other job applicants.
Program Representatives Will be Available for:
On Campus Programs:
Applied Mathematics & Data Science
Applied Psychology
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Food Science & Technology
Marriage & Family Therapy
Operations & Supply Management
Risk Control & Safety Management
School Counseling
School Psychology
Online Programs:
Career & Technical Education
Career & Technical Education Leadership
Conservation Biology
Design (Hybrid)
Healthcare Administration
Information & Communication Technologies
Manufacturing Engineering
Nutrition & Dietetics
Operations & Supply Management
Rehabilitation Counseling
Risk Control & Safety Management
Sustainable Management
Training and Talent Development
File Attachments: 2023_Graduate_Degrees_Exploration_Fair_flyer
Jarvis Hall Science Wing 1st floor corridors/lounge
302 10th Avenue East, 106 Memorial Student Center, Menomonie, WI 54751, United States