Thu, Apr 21, 2022

11 AM – 1 PM CDT (GMT-5)

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Do you know how much profit is generated for traffickers every year? Of those trafficked, can you guess how many are children? Are trafficked for manual labor services? How about how many victims of human trafficking are in the United States? Human trafficking happens. Every day, in every country. Join the Qube, Involvement Center Social Justice Programming, and The Bridge to Hope for Human Trafficking & Sex Work trivia!

You can find us on the Involvement Center Porch, directly behind Brew Devils, on Thursday, April 21st from 11am-1pm. Come spin the question wheel and test your knowledge, and be sure to check out the resources we'll have on Human Trafficking, Sex Work, and Relationship & Sexual Violence.

Questions about this event? Reach out to one of our event coordinators:
  • Josie Koenigs (Graduate Student Intern, Involvement Center Social Justice Programming)
  • Kat Brogan (Sexual Assault Victim Advocate/UW-Stout Campus Advocate, The Bridge to Hope)
  • Nakkiah Stampfli (Graduate Student Intern, The Qube)

Interested in learning more about Human Trafficking & Sex Work? Be sure to attend Q-Talk × Social Justice Chats: Human Trafficking & Sex Work on Thursday, April 21st at 7pm in PRCM Gilbert Creek! View the details and register on UW-Stout CONNECT!

This event is cosponsored by The Qube, Involvement Center Social Justice Programming, and The Bridge to Hope for visibility, educational, and awareness purposes during Sexual Assault Awareness Month (entire month of April).

Hosted By

Qube | Website | View More Events
Co-hosted with: Involvement Center