Queer Magic: LGBTQIA+ Religion & Spirituality Panel
by Qube
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
Explore fascinating insights from LGBTQIA+ folks from a variety of faiths. From Pagans and Buddhists, to Muslims and Christians, and others who walk a spiritual path. Listen in as panelists share their stories of inspiration and experience being Queer and Religious/Spiritual.
Interested in serving as a panelist for Queer Magic: LGBTQIA+ Religion and Spirituality Panel? Please fill out this form by JANUARY 27, 2022: https://cglink.me/2db/s60497. If you have any questions, email Nakkiah (Graduate Student Intern) at stampflin@uwstout.edu.
Diversity Week 2022 is sponsored by SSA Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (ssadiversity@uwstout.edu)
[More Information to Follow]
Ballroom A&B (Memorial Student Center)
302 10th Ave E, Menomonie, WI 54751, United States